Songs for Unsung HeroesSongs for Unsung Heroes album cover

1. Blue Note

2. Slim's Chicken

3. Swallows on the water

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You can buy this album from Woodville Records icon


Dave Gelly - The Observer

"Playwright Alan Plater's work is full of jazz characters and jazz references and he regularly escapes from his proper job to go touring with a bunch of musicians, telling tall stories in between the numbers. It was during one of these jaunts that Plater and saxophonist-composer Alan Barnes hatched this set of 13 songs about lost jazz heroes, old records, motorway cafes and their mutual dislike of 'dinner jazz'. Liz Fletcher sings them with great style and the band is packed with top players, such as trumpeter Bruce Adams, saxophonist Stan Sulzmann, trombonist Mark Nightingale and pianist Brian Dee."